Native Trees

Native Trees
Plant Trees for future generations!
Immediate stock is very limited. Pick up in only available on 12.23 from South Seattle. However, you can buy a tree plug for $1 and use the receipt as a immediate stocking stuffer that affects future generations here on our beautiful planet! Our Plug deal is completely up to the discretion and will likely be 3-5 of the items below. Otherwise, they will be containerized plants in 1-2 gallon pots
We only have Western Hemlock and Western Red Cedar trees (blessings) now, and will have much of the list in below in February. You can pick these up on 12.23 or after 12.25, and likewise, can use the receipt as a gift or stocking stuffer.
Either way, unless you come to pick up, you will be getting a gift certificate for your tree to be picked up when available, looking at end of January or First half of February
We will have plants available in February 2020 Unless listed in the options page here.
These are all trees that are likely to be in stock in February 2020. NOTE- we make no promises on a specific variety here. If starred, it is highly likely we will carry
Ponderosa pine. Pinus ponderosa. ...
Lodgepole pine. Pinus contorta....
Western white pine. Pinus monticola*
Whitebark pine. Pinus albicaulis*
Western hemlock. Tsuga heterophylla*
Mountain hemlock. Tsuga mertensiana
Douglas-fir. Pseudotsuga menziesii*
Western red cedar. Thuja plicata Huge, slow-growing tree found in wet sites.*
Grand fir -Abies grandis
Madrone; Madrona -Arbutus menziesii
Shore Pine- Pinus contorta var. Contorta
Sitka spruce -Picea sitchensis
Yew -Taxus brevifolia