Growing plants that feed the people
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We strive to help you grow food.  We hope these products may help you.


We offer services, plants, and infrastructure to help you grow food.

Autumn Olive (Eleganus umbellata)

Autumn Olive (Eleganus umbellata)

from $30.00

Winter hardy perennial can produce an abundant crop of edible fruits. Speckled, thorny stems, leathery leaves, and fragrant white-yellow flowers.  Fruits may be eaten fresh, dried, or cooked, and are great for wildlife forage.

Amber (TM) - Amber autumn olive yields a September abundance of golden yellow berries. The fruits are sweet, astringent, and soft-seeded (a colorful addition to fall fruit salads or green garden salads). Not perturbed by pests or damaged by disease. Self-fertile.

Ruby (TM) - It’s fruit is larger and sweeter. The showy berries are a bright dark red and are good for fresh eating, pies, and jams.

NOTE:  Autumn Olive is considered invasive in most of the central/eastern US.

Sun: Does best in full sun to partial shade, and creates dense foliage. 

Soil: Autumn olive thrives in a variety of soil and moisture conditions. Because autumn olive is capable of fixing nitrogen in its roots, it can grow on bare mineral substrates.

Water: Can tolerate drought and maritime exposure.

Zone: 4 to 9

Height: 3/4 to 1 1/2 feet.

Potential Pests: Animals are not known to feed on it and few insects seem to utilize or bother it. Canker disease is occasionally a problem.

Container Size:
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Bee Balm, aka Bergamot (Monarda) bergamot bee balm 2.jpg

Bee Balm, aka Bergamot (Monarda)

Dahlia "Edinburg"
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Dahlia "Edinburg"

Sale Price:$7.50 Original Price:$15.00
Elderberry "Black" (Sambucus nigra)

Elderberry "Black" (Sambucus nigra)

from $10.00
Black Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis / nigra) *Multiple Varietials* black elderberry Sambucus nigra berries 3.jpg

Black Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis / nigra) *Multiple Varietials*

from $20.00
Passiflora Vine Passiflora incarnata flowers.jpg Passiflora Vine Passiflora incarnata 1.jpg
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Purple Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)---Can Order in upon request
